Personalized Beer Dimple Pint and Stein Glasses
Do you remember hitting the old British pub and being served a traditional pint. I mean in a traditional dimple pint glass, not the more modern sleek design. Well, they’re still popular and you can buy them with a personalized touch. I adore these dimpled design pint...
Classic Personalized Beer Pint Glasses Set of 4 or 2
Often an ideal gift for your groomsmen, birthday present or just for your home bar, a nice set of personalized beer pint glasses in either a set of 4 or 2 is a brilliant touch. There’re many places you can source these, but my preference is to buy online. It’s...
11 Essential Home Bar Equipment and Accessories
The home bar is still popular in many households today, especially if you’re privileged enough to own a man cave. If you’re just starting out however, you may be a little unfamiliar with what home bar equipment and ….

What Are the Benefits of Beer Soap or Shampoo
If you’re one of those people with normal or even oily hair, as opposed to dry hair, then why not give beer shampoo a try. You may be searching for a different type of aroma or texture for your hair and adding beer nutrients could be the answer. So, what are the...
Best Craft Beer Christmas Gifts
We’re now into the second half of the year which means, looking out for Xmas ideas for when the end of the year arrives. Many who read this website like to indulge in creating their own home brew, so we thought we’d give a helping hand with a selection….

8 Ways to Remove a Bottle Cap Without an Opener
I’m sure this will sound familiar. You’re out at an event such as the horse races with an ice box full of beer. You know, not canned beer, the bottled kind that requires a bottle opener. And wouldn’t you know it, nobody has bought a….

5 Uniquely Popular Canadian Beer Brands
Unibroue is a microbrewery that produces a wide range of beers, in particular Belgian style beers. ‘La Fin du Monde’ is their most popular Canadian beer brand which is brewed with additional fermentation known as bottle-conditioned. This practice results in…

Best Sports Bars Chicago can Offer
Are you on the hunt for the Best Sports Bars Chicago can Offer for a great night out? Here’s the first in our selection. A truly international sports bar which is dominated by the Irish. This pub has an awesome….

7 Best Beer Brewing Software for Awesome Results
If you’re a home beer brewer, then you’ll understand the importance of following up your work and keeping records of ingredients and methods of how you created your perfect brew. This is where the need for beer brewing software comes in. It becomes a storage place for all your….