8 Most Popular Canadian Beer Brands

The Barman's Choice

Brand #5 - Unibroue

Who – Unibroue

Where – Chambly, Quebec, Canada

Founded – 1993

Website – http://www.unibroue.com/


Unibroue is a microbrewery that produces a wide range of beers, in particular Belgian style beers. ‘La Fin du Monde’ is their most popular Canadian beer brand which is brewed with additional fermentation known as bottle-conditioned. This practice results in a well aged beer if kept in un-refrigerated in a dark location. Great benefits of this included being able to internationally ship the beer without the need for chilling, making it much cheaper to transport.

Brand #4 - Molson Canadian

Who – Molson Canadian

Where – HQ Montreal, Canada

Founded – 1959

Website – http://www.molsoncanadian.ca/


The Molson Brewery produces some of the most well-known brands of beer in the world, let alone just Canada. This is partly due to their partnership with other major brewers allowing their Molson Coors Canada franchise to offer brands such as Corona, Miller Genuine Draft and Heineken. Their major domestic brew though, Molson Canadian is their most popular brand. So popular they have a “Molson Canadian Mega Keg” monument which is approximately the height of a 3-storey building.

Brand #3 - Alexander Keith's Brewery

Who – Alexander Keith’s Brewery

Where – HQ Halifax, Canada

Founded – 1820

Website – https://www.alexanderkeithsbrewery.com/


More commonly known as Keith’s, Alexander Keith’s brewery is a Canadian brewery, amongst the oldest in the land. They produce some of Canada’s best brews including Keith’s Premium White, Keith’s Red Amber Ale and Keith’s Nova Scotia Style Pale Ale. But undoubtedly their most popular beer is Keith’s India Pale Ale, a beer that has amplified hops due to the fermentation process which uses a larger yeast strain at a higher temperature. India pale ales in general have become a very popular and unique taste.

Brand #2 - Moosehead Breweries

Who – Moosehead Breweries

Where – HQ Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Founded – 1867

Website – http://www.moosehead.ca/


Without a doubt the most well-known Canadian brand on the international stage. Amazingly, this is also a family owned and operated business which is now into it’s 6th generation. Moosehead Larger is known as Canada’s flagship brew and has won multiple awards. The beer itself is brewed with 100% Canadian two-row pale malt, then cool-fermented to give a lemony crispness taste with a golden display. The light flavour does impress and the malt base it fairly light but does provide a nice bitterness.

Brand #1 - Labatt

Who – Labatt

Where – HQ Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Founded – 1847

Website – http://www.labatt.com/


In our opinion, the No.1 Canadian beer brand with a great marketing objective when Labatt 50 was introduced, to commemorate 50 years of partnership between the brewer’s founder’s grandsons. Labatt 50 was the best selling brew but that has been overtaken by their own Labatt Blue, which has since become their flagship beer. This 5% fizzy pilsner will please most beer drinkers and is a perfect beer to take out to drink with friends. Labatt shows no signs of slowing down, so enjoy their offerings. There’s always a case of Labett in my beer fridge!

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Canada boats a number of great brands and everyone has their own opinion. We don’t all share the same tastes or senses so all our opinions will differ. However, based on sales and popularity voting, it’s possible to get an idea of of the more popular brands for a given brewery.

So, whether you’re a pale ale drinker or you desire a larger over a pilsner, many of these great brands offer various brews that will suit your taste-buds with a smooth tasting palette or a bitter tang. The choice is yours.


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