How to Start a Woodworking Business From Home

How to Start a Woodworking Business From Home

Have you ever considered beginning your own woodworking business from home? Maybe it’s crossed your mind but you don’t have the right pathway or plan of attack to get up and running. Whether you’re an experienced woodworker or you dabble in this type of passion, and...
The Best Wood for Wood Burning Fire Heaters

The Best Wood for Wood Burning Fire Heaters

Winter is on the way and you’re preparing for a cold season ahead. Stacking your firewood storage rack can be a challenge when you are not quite sure of the exact firewood to use. Especially when you want to burn on an indoor firewood heater. But first, a question for….

Best Outdoor Firewood Storage Rack 2021

Best Outdoor Firewood Storage Rack 2021

So, you’ve got yourself an awesome outdoor fire pit, but you need somewhere to store your logs. Of course you could shove them in a corner of your house block but this is not always practical. Firstly it’s a little unsightly, and secondly, is won’t necessarily….

Inexpensive Landscaping Ideas with Pictures

Inexpensive Landscaping Ideas with Pictures

Wouldn’t we all adore our own landscaped front garden. Or for that matter, back garden. But it’s the front garden that most would love to show off to our neighbours and local visitors. The opportunity is available to have this achieved but the cost is a major one.

Where to Dispose of Paint Without Repercussions

Where to Dispose of Paint Without Repercussions

It’s an age old problem that has persisted throughout the generations, what on earth do we do with old paint that is no longer needed. We all have it, the unused paint tins that sit around in the garage for 10 years or so. In fact, when I moved into my current house…

DIY Garden Shed Plans Step-By-Step

DIY Garden Shed Plans Step-By-Step

How cool would it be to learn how to build garden sheds, and then sell them to customers? This is just one of the possibilities of a new skill. Alternatively, if you’re going to invest your own time and effort building a new shed for yourself, then make sure you….

How to Build an Underground Bunker for Survival

How to Build an Underground Bunker for Survival

Did you know that Cleveland has an underground bunker which can fit the entire city population should a nuclear emergency occur? Many people don’t know this, even people living right above the bunker. It’s the same in Detroit and Houston where bunkers have been created from old salt…

5 Best Outdoor Patio Propane Heaters 2021

5 Best Outdoor Patio Propane Heaters 2021

Do you remember the days when you strolled into your local village, or to the city for a meal and saw for the first time, outdoor heaters that allowed for more customers to dine out in the elements? Well, those outdoor heaters are now even more popular and they’re not just….

How to Sharpen Garden Tools Effectively

How to Sharpen Garden Tools Effectively

It’s not ideal to have to purchase a new pair of garden shears every time they go blunt. The same goes with any other garden tools, (or any must have tools for that matter) so a better alternative is to spend a little time and sharpen your tools. So, you need to know…

Best Outdoor Gas Fire Pits & Non Gas Fire Pits 2021

Best Outdoor Gas Fire Pits & Non Gas Fire Pits 2021

Looking up at the stars, sitting around with great friends, surrounding a nice warm fire is one of life’s pleasures. I remember my friend’s dad often firing up the outdoor fire pit, and us 15-16-year old’s keeping the fire lit with pre-selected pieces of wood and cut branches. We we’re very lucky….

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