The outdoor lifestyle is a huge experience for not only adults, but also our children Unfortunately, they are
not getting the benefits of the outdoors in recent years. The advancement in technology has a
lot to answer for when it comes to screen time.

Okay, I get it. Even I spend a lot of time at my laptop, writing content for this
website and others. But there’s an end result which gives me satisfaction, that I may
have helped someone make an educated decision.

What I’me getting at with our kids though, is the issue of not learning skills
associated with the outdoors. Not getting the fresh air we used to get by spending all
our free time outside.

Safety With Lighting Fires

One of the skills I was taught by my father was the lighting of an outdoor fire pit. Standing around a fire on a chilly night with mates is one thing I will never give up. There’s a camaraderie that comes with enjoying a beer or two around the warmth generated from a fire.

As I learned how to light a fire as a 10 year old in a safe environment, it’s provided me the necessary skills that I can take on survival or camping trips. Unfortunately, I see today’s children losing these life skills as they’re mostly sitting on their rear end, playing PS4, X-Box or watching YouTube videos on their iPad.

I think we need to take a breath, and admit that the gadgets aren’t going to disappear any time soon. So we need to limit the kids usage, and make specific times for learning these essential skills. I want my kids to be able to fend for themselves if they’re in a serious situation. They won’t just be able to ‘Google’ themselves of trouble!

Fire is a curiosity for children, so before they attempt to start one themselves, teach them the safest method and display all the hazards that can be dangerous. Even then, don’t let a child start a fire without a parent around. I’d also suggest reading up on fire safety here.

Although I learnt to create a fire within a contained old rusty pit, today’s fire pits are amazingly graphic. Check out some of these beauties blow.

You can check out loads more of our fire pits, on the Fire Pit page. 

Along with fire pits, learning how to start outdoor patio heaters is another useful proficiency. Not all outdoor patio heaters are the same so you’ll firstly need to read the instructions carefully before parting your knowledge onto your child. 

Once your kids become teenagers, they’ll be starting these outdoor heaters themselves. Giving them the confidence and encouragement to know how to do this safely will hold them in good stead. 

Fire safely is critical, and can be a rewarding skill to pass onto your children. Don’t let them try to do it alone, or even with other young children. They need to be supervised and taught correctly. For more information on fire pit safety for children, check out this air-n-water article.

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