The Best Wood for Wood Burning Fire Heaters

The Best Wood for Wood Burning Fire Heaters

Winter is on the way and you’re preparing for a cold season ahead. Stacking your firewood storage rack can be a challenge when you are not quite sure of the exact firewood to use. Especially when you want to burn on an indoor firewood heater. But first, a question for….

How Hiking Walking Sticks Can Help with Multiple Issues

How Hiking Walking Sticks Can Help with Multiple Issues

Hiker’s the world over often rely on hiking sticks or poles, and they seem to be a necessity for steeper terrains. And for good reason as they can reduce a lot of stress on particular joints and muscles. They can also give balance and support for those times...
8 Ways to Remove a Bottle Cap Without an Opener

8 Ways to Remove a Bottle Cap Without an Opener

I’m sure this will sound familiar. You’re out at an event such as the horse races with an ice box full of beer. You know, not canned beer, the bottled kind that requires a bottle opener. And wouldn’t you know it, nobody has bought a….

7 Top Wine Glass/Bottle Shelves With Class

7 Top Wine Glass/Bottle Shelves With Class

Still decking out your man-cave or searching for that awesome compliment for your wine accessories! Well we’ve been snooping around, and the barman has given us some great advice on the best wine glass shelves currently trending. The rustic style has been trending for….

Top 17 Duties of a Best Man

Top 17 Duties of a Best Man

Before the Big Day It’s a great honour to be elected the best man of a wedding, it’s means you’re right up there with the most trusted of friends that the groom has. You should feel extremely privileged, but with this honour comes responsibility. You’ll be required to...

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