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How to Recondition Old Batteries – Introduction

How frustrating and annoying it can be when you come to the realization that a new car battery is going to cost you well over $100, maybe even over $200. Did you know that even your household batteries can be bought back to life with a little know-how? Would you like to know how to recondition old batteries and be able to do it over again?

Well it is possible, and we’ll give you some advice on how this can be achieved. How great it will be when you can have your old batteries back to their original condition, and in good working order.

The Problem with Old Batteries

Common batteries around the house are no real issue but when it comes to more industrial type batteries such as car batteries or marine type batteries, they are so hard to dispose of legally. This is because of the chemicals inside the battery which can often be harmful.

You may find that these types of batteries contain lead, copper, mercury, potassium or lithium. These elements are all hazardous and not good for either the environment or your health. Disposing of them in your general waste is not a safe option as the chemicals will eventually make their way into our water supplies.

Which Batteries Can Be Reconditioned?

How to recondition old batteries car batteryThere’s various types of barrerites that are used for so many different tools and appliances and they can all be reconditioned. Power tool batteries, computer batteries and even alternative energy system batteries such as those used for solar panels. You can even learn how to fix rechargeable batteries that don’t recharge well anymore.

What about golf cart batteries, fork lift batteries or the most basic, common batteries. They can all be reconditioned so you’ll never have to buy a battery again. There’s probably a good chance a few old batteries are lying around your house right now, perhaps a whole drawer full of them.

Will it Save You Money?

Would you have any idea how much money you spend on batteries each year? Probably not, but when you add up all the appliances in your house that require batteries, you’ll come to realize that it could be a few hundred dollars.

Your car battery doesn’t become flat every year (unless you have children like me who leave lights on and doors open after playing in the car!). But when it does require a new battery, the cost is extortionate.

So, between all your household appliances, power tools and vehicle batteries, you could save yourself a lot of money.

Not only that, you could make extra money by reconditioning old batteries and selling them. You wouldn’t be the first person to do this and you won’t be the last. It’s a great initiative and could earn you a great side income.

==>Join the Battery Reconditioning Revolution<==


Why Do You Need This?

You don’t! But it sure helps to save money and time if you can learn how to recondition old batteries. In fact, the raw materials that make batteries are dramatically increasing which means you, the consumer are only going to pay more for batteries into the future.

Imagine you being the one capable of reconditioing batteries, whilst everyone else you know goes out and buys them. You can offer to recondition their old batteries for them…for a price!

Can Anyone Recondition Old Batteries?

Absolutely anyone can recondition old batteries and it’s a simple process. You don’t even have to know anything about batteries and you can do this in the comfort of your own home. The only things you’ll require are a few inexpensive items that are usually sitting around in most people’s kitchen or garage.

Who Does This Benefit?

This does not only benefit you by saving money and possibly earning an extra income, you’re also benefitting everyone else as you are helping the environment. The other benefit is to your neighbours and friends should you wish to help recondition their batteries.

And don’t forget that if you ever lose power to your neighbourhood, you’re the one that will have the power! With loads of reconditioned batteries about the house, you’ll always have enough batteries available to light up plenty of space.

In-fact life saving devices and equipment on boats are often battery powered. How proud would you feel if you could recondition a battery out at sea, knowing a life depended on it?

As you can plainly see, the benefits of knowing how to recondition old batteries are huge, and not only for yourself.

What About Solar?

How to recondition old batteries solarOh yes, solar power is a big one! We all know that solar power has recently become more common place but many of us are still tied to the grid. But that’s now changing, and many folks are moving to battery packs. They can cost a pretty penny, however, there is a way around this.

Apparently, golf cart batteries can be used for solar battery packs due to their deep cycle properties. This can be hugely beneficial to you if you don’t mind going around golf courses asking if you can have their old golf cart batteries. They’ll probably be happy to part ways with them. This can save you thousands of dollars and help the Pro Shop at the same time!

So How Can I Learn to Recondition Batteries?

We’re going to direct you to this popular course that will show you how to recondition old batteries. Currently over 19,000 people have taken this course and you can join them. This knowledge can be used repeatedly and will greatly benefit anyone who uses lots of batteries, which is just about anyone reading this right now.

As mentioned earlier, to recondition batteries you’ll need a few inexpensive items that you may already have at home. If not, purchasing them will only serve you well into the future.

This is a step-by-step guide with imagery that teaches you how to recondition each type of battery. One of the critical first steps is knowing if the battery is ready to be reconditioned. This is where you’ll also learn how to test batteries with a ‘multimeter’ before you recondition them.

There’s endless opportunities once you’ve taken this course by selling discounted or reconditioned batteries to individuals or even businesses that don’t know the secret to reconditioning batteries.

It’s all up to you. I’d like to show you myself but due to copywrite laws, all I can do is point you in the right direction. The course is well worth the cost and is only a one-time fee of $47. When you think that a new car battery will cost approximately $100 or more, it’s a no-brainer.


If you’re looking for an extra side income or just want to learn how to save money by reconditioning your own batteries, this course will show you everything you need to know. You’ll never have to purchase a new battery ever again.

If you decide to on-sell these power sources, you can make huge profits from industrial batteries such a fork-lift battery. Nearly every industrial business uses fork-lifts, imagine the potential!

So, to get started, watch the following video and click the link below it.

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